Creswick Lane, Grenoside, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S35 8NN

01142 468020

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School

Love one another as I have loved you



Please see the School Calendar below for information on any upcoming Extra-Curricular Activities and School Trips:-

Taking place at St Thomas More's School...

Y4 Residential to Kingswood

Class 4 went on residential to Kingswood Peak Venture 20.05.2024 - 22.05.2024 

The children had an extraordinary experience and took part in a wide range of activities. These activities included archery, bushcraft, leap of faith, campfire, quick zip, nightline and many more!

We developed a wide range of key skills such as teamwork, problem solving, leadership and resilience. What an amazing time we all had! Well done Year 4 for your good behaviour, and for putting your all into every activity.


Crucial Crew

Y6 had a brilliant time on their trip to Crucial Crew. They learnt about the importance of fire safety, the justice system that we have in the UK, how to conduct ourselves appropriately on public transport and how to be careful when crossing busy roads. What a great trip to prepare us for secondary school! The staff at Crucial Crew commented on our students’ impeccable behaviour and manners - well done Y6! Please see below for photos.


National Emergency Services Museum

Year 1 had an amazing time visiting the National Emergency Services Museum. The children had a workshop with Rosie where they were able to learn even more about the Great Fire of London.


We were able to try on uniforms that would have been worn from 1666 to 2024. We decided that the uniforms today are much safer to wear. We also practiced passing buckets down a line to put out a fire. We then were able to have a look around the old police cells and the vehicles. The children were able to go in the cells (which we thought were very cold and smelly).

Did you know that children under 12 could be put in cells 100 years ago?


We loved being able to go inside the police vans, ambulances and fire engines. After lunch we met Jane, Samuel Pepys maid, who had woken up in 2024 and showed us around the Engine room and the Blitz exhibition. The children looked at fire engines and carts from hundreds of years ago up to today. The children were able to go inside some vehicles and try on some more uniforms that would have been worn.


Lastly, we explored the 3rd floor where we learned more about the emergency services we use today. This included the fire service, where we went inside a fire engine to go and help put out a fire; going on a police motor bike simulation to see what it was like to drive through the streets to help people; mountain rescue – practising our climbing skills on the climbing wall; and then trying on uniforms from the coast guard and rowing in a rowing boat. Please see below for photos.


Extra Curricular Activities

STM Sporting Events

STM Trips and Events

Y1 and Y5 Dance Festival at Winding Wheel Chesterfield