Attendance & Punctuality

It is your legal duty as parents / guardians to ensure the regular and punctual attendance of your child at school.
If your child were to miss 1 day a week for their whole time at school, they would miss the equivalent of 2 years of school!
Frequent lateness can also add up, and can mean your child missing vital work, which then has to be caught up.
Your child should be in school if they have a minor illness, such as a headache, cold or sore throat.
Please refer to this link for NHS guidance on whether to send your child into school
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please contact the school office on 0114 2468020
and leave a message on the school's answerphone by 9am explaining the reason for your child's absence.
Please click the below links for more information about school attendance and absence:-
· Everything you need to know about school attendance
· School attendance and absence
Why is school attendance important?
- It is required by law.
- Children need to attend school regularly to keep up with their work and promote social development.
- A good education will give your child the best possible start in life and enable them to make the best of the opportunities available.
- Children need to develop good habits in readiness for later life.
What can you do to help your child?
- Make sure your child goes to school regularly, arrives there on time, and keeps to the school rules.
- If your child is ill, contact the school on the first day of absence.
- If you want your child to miss school, for example for medical
appointments or religious reasons, seek the school’s agreement well in advance and give full details.
When can children be absent from school?
- If they are ill
- When they have an unavoidable medical or dental appointment.
- is taking part in a religious event.
- If they have an exceptional family circumstance, e.g. wedding or a funeral
School may request medical evidence/appointment cards if there are frequent absences.
Only school can decide whether an absence is authorised or not. The office Administrator and Headteacher monitor registers regularly.
Any absence giving cause for concern will be followed up.
Please click here for the Exceptional Term Time Leave request form.