Our school follows the RWI approach to teaching spelling and early reading.
Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching spelling and early reading. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
Each Read Write Inc. programme meets the higher expectations of the National Curriculum and uses effective assessment to accelerate every child's progress and prepare them for the National Curriculum Tests.
In RWI lessons, the children are taught new sounds in F2 and Y1 and these progress from 'set 1', to 'set 2' and 'set 3'. Usually children in F2 learn set 1 sounds, and begin to learn set 2 sounds once they are confident. In Y1, they will continue to learn set 2 sounds, consolidate set 1 sounds and progress onto set 3 sounds. Although this is our aim, timings of when children learn sounds will depend on their ability level. RWI spelling is taught. In these sessions, children practice spelling through using their knowledge of RWI sounds and learning new 'spelling rules'.
Please click here to download a copy of the RWI Groups chart which highlights what your child will be taught in each coloured band.
Phonics Screening
Miss Bowman has created a video explaining the Phonics screening check the Y1 children will be completing during the summer term. Also providing examples and ideas on how you can support your child.
In F2, cued articulation is taught alongside each RWI sound from set 1 to enable children to pronounce sounds correctly and differentiate between similar sounds. Please look at this video for more information about cued articulation and how to use it.
Click here to visit the RWI website and to view videos to help support your child with RWI.